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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Hope everyone has survived your new years eve celebration! I have-- I think I had too much bubbly, but I needed it----right.
2010 has got to have been one of the worst years for me in recent memory. Let me sum up why it was the worst. I'm probably not going to get these events in the right order, but here goes.
1. I was diagnosed with stage 3 renal failure.
2. I was diagnosed with vertigo.
3. I had a nervous breakdown and ended up in the mental hospital for a while, where I was given a diagnosis of bipolar1 with mixed episodes.
4. Because of all these things I listed I am no longer living with my family in southern California.

See why I am glad to put 2010 behind me. 2011 has got be better.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I'm planning on having a stress free Christmas. I hope I can pull it off. Since this year it is going to be me and my oldest son here, I think we can pull it off. How about you? I've talked  to several people on the phone lately and wished them a merry Christmas and I add if you observe Christmas. These days you never know who does and who doesn't. I'll check back in later.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quotes and Stars

From People.com------How Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson grew apart------If she is free maybe I have a shot.

From National Enquirer.com-----Jessica Simpsons Prenup terror showdown between fiance Eric Johnson and her dad Joe Simpson-------Where is the LOVE!

America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.----Oscar Wilde

Why do they call them straight jackets when they are never straight?

What will America and CNN to do-----No more Larry King!-----Good Luck Larry!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In the News-December 14,2010

From The New York Times:
North Korea Nuclear Ability--My comment--Shouldn't we have been on top of this a long time ago?
WikiLeaks founder Assange got bail---but the Swedes don't want him out. Wonder why?
Unrest in Rome-----As far as I know there has been unrest in Rome for awile--Just ask the Pope!

From the Los Angeles Times:
Pressure mounting in House to pass tax-cut package--- I'll have some tax cuts please!

From the Wall Street Journal:
Economists lift Outlook for GDP-----I'm glad to hear they are because I'm not too sure.
Retail sales soar-----Hello this is the time of year they usually do.
Dow touches two-year high----- Maybe I'll sell the tons of stocks I have.

From USA Today:
Kings Speech leads Globes with 7 nominations----Sorry never saw it.
US More teens smoke pot than cigarettes------I'm not suprised those cigs can give you cancer you know.
Ancient soup found in bronze pot in Chinese tomb----Bet it is yummy or check the expiration date first.
Obama vacation likely to be delayed----Oh Darn! So is mine.