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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In the News-December 14,2010

From The New York Times:
North Korea Nuclear Ability--My comment--Shouldn't we have been on top of this a long time ago?
WikiLeaks founder Assange got bail---but the Swedes don't want him out. Wonder why?
Unrest in Rome-----As far as I know there has been unrest in Rome for awile--Just ask the Pope!

From the Los Angeles Times:
Pressure mounting in House to pass tax-cut package--- I'll have some tax cuts please!

From the Wall Street Journal:
Economists lift Outlook for GDP-----I'm glad to hear they are because I'm not too sure.
Retail sales soar-----Hello this is the time of year they usually do.
Dow touches two-year high----- Maybe I'll sell the tons of stocks I have.

From USA Today:
Kings Speech leads Globes with 7 nominations----Sorry never saw it.
US More teens smoke pot than cigarettes------I'm not suprised those cigs can give you cancer you know.
Ancient soup found in bronze pot in Chinese tomb----Bet it is yummy or check the expiration date first.
Obama vacation likely to be delayed----Oh Darn! So is mine.

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